Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Hello World of Blogging

Thanks to Saucy Trini, I am inspired to start a blog of my own. I may not have too much going on here at first, but as Carnival 2007 comes around the corner, I'll be sure to chronicle my experiences!
Well, I guess I better start by describing myself. I am complicated. That ought to sum it up. (lol). As you can tell by the name, I am a proud Trinidadian. I currently reside in Tampa, FL (away from the more popular spots like Fort Lauderdale and Miami...why, I dunno). My mother is Trini and my father is Guyanese (any suprise they split up?). I am a Staff Accountant working for a rather low-key (but booming) retail company, so other than the joyous anxiety of looking forward to Carnival 2k7 my life is pretty boring now. I just turned 24 and that in itself is difficult to believe.
That should do for now. I will not make any promises to make daily updates to this blog, but as mentioned before, I will do my best. Big ups to all meh Trini massive outside the "motherland"!!!! Bless!!

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