Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Arm and Leg for Sale...

Well, they might as well be! Dem prices for the TRIBE costumes wayyy too much!!! Granted, it is a marginal improvement from last year - at least in terms of what I paid. On a side note, and I may be mistaken, but it seems as though some of the male costumes got a do-over. To that I say THANK GOD!! The Titania section, for instance, was indeed unkind to the male counterpart. It was bad enough he had to wear pink - he also had WINGS for a headpiece???? Wtf was the designer thinking?? Well, thankfully, an improvement was made, though it's still kinda blah...
But I digress (typically). My best friend in Trini sent me an email, loaded with repititions of the "f" word, having something to do with the fact that the costumes were a wee bit over-priced. This, from a young woman who, on more than one occasion, played with Island People.... who had, as I recall, way more stringent payment demands on thier masqueraders than TRIBE - or at least they did last year.
Now, if they relaxed their standards, and things work in my favor, I may make a switch. But of course, this depends heavily on (things working in my favor, plus) me liking the costume, and the overall price.
Furthermore, my spoilt behind wants to go home for Christmas AND Carnival ... I hear us Sagittarius folk like to have their cake and eat it too!! But throw in the costume price, plus any fetes I manage to go to... *sigh*... let's just say that numbers can be discouraging.
However, as I mentioned, the prices have marginally improved. It may well be possible to play... but only time will tell. Meanwhile, I need my damn arm and leg - so doh make me sell dem! Ah done!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Sacrifice...

After my first experience of playing mas in 2007, I can certainly attest to the fact that not only is the whole entire experience positively intoxicating - it's also potently addictive. That said, it is with great regret that I must forego the 2008 festivities...
The primary reason is (you guessed it) finances. With the start of a new job, it is highly unlikely that it would be economically feasible to purchase the necessary tickets and costume. Sure, I would continue to monitor the sequence of events leading to the climax of this (admittedly) short Carnival season. I will do my best not to make snide remarks expressing my envy of those who do get to participate this year. lol