Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Now what...?

Yes... for those who were bored enough to stumble on my page, this is a new post. I miss writing in this blog a LOT, and so many times I wanted to post an entry, but things were happening that I doubted I was ready to share. Granted I still somewhat feel that way - but then it occurred to me that I probably would years later... so what difference would it make? lol
Just when I thought the surprises were over...
I guess there is no way to sugarcoat this, so I'll just blurt it out thoughtlessly - I lost my job. I can give all sorts of excuses and reasons and justifications for this, but the truth remains I am currently unemployed - and more confused than ever! To make matters more complicated, I took a vacation! Hence why some of you may have spotted me in Trinidad last month. Truth be told, although I can understand why most people would view doing such as an unwise move, I do not regret going back home. In fact, now I am seriously considering going back for good. However, I am scared spineless. Tons of questions flood my mind whenever I think about doing that. Should I go back, would I be doing it for the right reasons? How am I going to go about it? Should I look for a job there - while still here? What am I going to do with my stuff?? And here's the kicker - is this God talking? Or did I simply bring this upon myself as some sort of manifestation of my dissatisfaction with my life here in Florida? "For whom the Lord loves, He corrects," says the Good Book. Am I being rash for allowing my mind to venture that far, or is this the chance I have been waiting for?
The bottom line is that if I want to make this move, I want to do it right. I want to do it in such a way that I cause no-one any burden or shame (its bad enough I did that already by losing my job). So, instead of making it a one-time solution (because life is hard and unfair no matter where you go), going home is my ultimate goal. The question is when to make my move. I know Dave will have a prompt answer for that (lol). All I know is that so-called right time cannot come too soon...


buublenut said...

Hey girl - long time. I bored at work and checking all the blogers page and stumble across this.

Sorry to hear of the loss of your job but change is always good and sometimes things like this happen for the better. I have no idea on the circumstances but considering that time has passed (and your visit to TnT) I am sure you are doing better now.

As for moving back home girl if this is something you plan on doing anyways and you are in the position to do so I say do it (mind it I am bias as I have plans on doing the same - you know I am not from Trinidad but as well found love there and visit often and plan on going for 6 months come this time next year to see where things can really go - but this is a story in itself so we will get back to you) This is your home - a beautiful country. Of course a move as big as this can be nerve wracking but I will pass on the words my own brother (older and only sibling too) gave to me when I told him I am considering taking the plunge - Don't think about it, just do it, within in a year things will have taken place and you will be fine.

Whatever you do girl remember that you are a believer and have faith and this will keep you out of harms way - I wish you all the success in the future.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you lost your job.
As far as returning home to live,I have a girlfriend who did it and she is doing just fine. She foward her resume to companies in her field a few months before,so she already had interviews scheduled when she got there. She was also a single mother with an infant,it does'nt get more difficult than that.
You seem to be a very smart young lady I am sure you will be successful.

TriniQueen said...

Thank you both for your kind comments!
And buublenut... you goin' home too?? What's the deal with that?!? Do tell!!
And Xena, I and all thinking of taking the same approach as your friend... however my (poorly conducted) search has proven (what else?) unfruitful... but I am sure something will come up... and if she can do it under her circumstances, then I am sure I can!
Thanks again, both of you!

Anonymous said...

TriniQueen I am also sorry for your job loss. I too am dealing with the same issues and concerns as you having recently lost my job as well. I happen to be overqualified for many and not qualified for a lot lol go figure. I guess that happens with two Bachelors Degrees and a MBA in progress huh lol All I can say is keep your head up-God will provide.

TriniQueen said...

Thanks deredting...
Damn, I could only imagine how frustrated you must be at this point! Turns out God did provide - I start my new job next week!
I hope there is good (if not better) news on your end! God bless!!