Oh gorsh!!! See, the thing is, I bought my Imp costume, and I like my Imp costume. It's just that I like Fireman and IP Sacred Sand even more (just like everybody else, I'm sure). Now, ah just read Saucy blog, and TRIBE sayin for resold costumes, new names must be submitted by Friday Feb 2nd. Now, ah doh want no set of confusion here. De fetes and mas is enough bachannal for me!! But I reaaaaaaaaaaal like dem costumes, boy! Should I take the chance and get them? What allyuh tink????
De next ting is that Imp is more expensive than the other two costumes! On top of that, I live in the U.S, and I eh comin down until Feb 11th! So, to be realistic, I probably saltin when it comes to selling this costume - not only because of the price, but also because I paid it in full already. Now, ah fussin because I requested the IP Sacred Sand costume on carnival junction website before settling (yes, I admit, SETTLING) for Imp. I knew that if I didn't act quickly, I wouldn't be playin mas at all! Now THAT, I can't have. Well, I might as well post something on Carnival Junction. Who knows, maybe I might get something after all!!! It's worth a try.....
At the end of the day, however, none of this really matters. If I end up playin wit Imp, it isn't the end of the world. Like I said, I do LIKE my costume. However, anything you LOVE is worth fighting for. So, here goes...
Call TRIBE and see what they have on their waiting list and if anyone is looking for an Imp, you might be surprised!! Also put the Imp up for sale first and see what response you get.
Girl fight for it eh :D
Gook luck girl!!! But I know what ever happens you will have a time :)
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