Saturday, February 3, 2007

.... And the costume for Carnival 2k7 is.....

Fireman would have been nice, but I got no response from So, this one I will keep. Ah tell yuh dat website is de devil!! Lol
I know I'm throwing in the towel a bit too soon, but to be honest, I like the costume enough to avoid any further confusion. Ah done know Trinis and their tendency to make things oh-so-slightly more difficult than need be (this is from experience, of course...). So, Imp it is. Next year, I'll try to organize meh stuff from early o'clock!


Carnival Jumbie said...

Doh diss the imp!! Its still my number 2!

TriniQueen said...

Lol!! I eh DISSIN de costume. I like it, hence why I bought it ;)
But I hear you,though :)