Friday, February 9, 2007

Oh Monday, Monday, Monday!!!!

Wherefore art thou, oh elusive concrete-idea-for-Carnival-Monday-wear? This is a dilemma many a masquerader is facing (indeed, this post is due to today's "Monday Wear" post by Saucy). For those of us in large bands that do not provide Monday wear in spite of the price they charge for their "all-inclusive" amenities (*cough TRIBE cough*), the dilemma is indeed overwhelming. Or at least frustrating. In any case, I have no damn clue what it would be. I guess I'll throw something together at the last minute. However, the last thing I want to feel on the climax of this festival is panic!
I have seen quite a few interesting ideas thrown out there. Some people want to be plain, with a cute baby T and shorts. Some want to go all out sexy. One, in particular was just silly - Buublenut's post on wearing a cow-print tie and cow-print shorts (hilarious!!!). Needless to say, she was just kidding. ;)
I think I would be creative with it. For instance, I could cut up an old blue T and tie it in the back to fit nicely. (I've done it before...twice..and loved it both times). That would save money, though I would still have to buy shorts! Plus, I could decorate my old sneakers by spray painting them gold and maybe glue on some blue/orange crystals on them so that I could wear them Monday and Tuesday to match my Imp costume (this would probably be done in Trinidad, though). I dunno! I'm going insane with these crazy ideas!
At the end of the day, all that matters is that I am comfortable and that I enjoy myself, even if I end up wearing a damn paper bag!!!

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