Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Ah feelin it!!!!

Boyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! Just when I thought I had de Carnival fever!
Soon, it would be touchdown in sweet sweet Trini!! And I cyah wait!!! A friend sent me a mix CD of all de HOT C2k7 tunes. Now, iz one ting to prance about in meh bedroom like a mooks listening to Toronto-lime.com. Is quite another when yuh blastin de tunes full force in your car on the way to work!! Doh mind all de other drivers on de road rel watchin meh funny funny when dey see dis mad 'oman jammin to her soca! lol. Jed!! I was smilin all mornin when ah reach work!!! Lol.
Soooo much to look forward to!!! Seeing family, good friends (even enemies so yuh could coas real hard on dem on how DAMN GOOD yuh lookin..j/k), ex-boyfriends (so yuh could coas real hard on dem on how DAMN GOOD yuh lookin... :D). Lol. There's fetes to look forward to, real lime to look forward to (especially de bloggers lime!), real drinkin (lol)...and...um....I tink I forget someting....hold on, eh....

MAS ON DE ROAD!!!!!!! Boyyyyyy!!!!!
If ah could only meet a sweet Trini man to wine on come Carnival Tuesday (too bad Kees taken lol)!! And tell me why after considering Sahara Jumbie (then choosing my Imp costume - which, truthfully, I like better than SJ) I hear Mr Montano in dat section! >:-( Steuups... No scene - ah probably cyah handle he waist in the (very) unlikely event we ever end up in some close proximity on de road anyhow....lol....
All in all, I am looking forward to having the time of my life for my first experience!!!

FIVE MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


caisoqueen said...

Triniqueeeenn.....girl, i feel yuh pace..loved that post. Hear nah, I too am extremely in love with Sahara Jumbie!!!! I tunin right now to Red to listen to Bungi. Hear nah, I have 7 more days to go...jus now you leavin...have ah time and be safe eh.

I in Fireman so I go check yuh in Imp hehehe

TriniQueen said...

Yes, Caisoqueen!!! Ah real likin mehself now...
But, um, what is dis "Red" you speak of? (I get the sense I deserve a good buff for not knowing! lol!!)
Seven more days for you!!! Dat go pass, doh worry. And thanks, you be safe too! :D

ttfootball said...

LOL that post was real kicks gyul haha. But yes go an play yuhself!
Red is red96, a radio station streaming. www.red967fm.com
Have a great trip!